Our File Portal also includes FTPS access. This can be beneficial for users who cannot hit the File Portal on the web but still need access, and can use FTP. FTP is the File Transfer Protocol, FTPS is one of several secured versions of this protocol.
In this article, we’ll discuss how to access the File Portal via WinSCP and WSL (Ubuntu), and included is a link to a ShareFile how-to on other various FTP applications.
An example using lftp and WinSCP. In terms of WinSCP, important things to note are:
the target url (steecloud.sharefileftp.com ← note the ftp part),
the username setup (
),and the security/protocol - FTP with implicit SSL/TLS encryption over port 990.
A Citrix (owner of ShareFile) article that has instructions for other applications here:
ShareFile how to setup FTP (citrix.com) (scroll to ‘Examples’)
Windows, via WinSCP
New site default:
Change the protocol to FTP, the port to 990, select implicit from the Encryption dropdown, add the hostname url and the username with the subdomain prefix steelcloud/, and your password (this image is now saved):
Upon clicking ‘Login’, you should have access, and can download/upload/navigate as per your assigned permissions.
Linux (via WSL)
lftp, including creating a new blank dir, with navigation for context:
jesse@DESKTOP-N69MCH6:~$ pwd
jesse@DESKTOP-N69MCH6:~$ mkdir ftp_test
jesse@DESKTOP-N69MCH6:~$ cd ftp_test/
jesse@DESKTOP-N69MCH6:~/ftp_test$ ls
jesse@DESKTOP-N69MCH6:~/ftp_test$ lftp ftps://steelcloud.sharefileftp.com
lftp steelcloud.sharefileftp.com:~> login steelcloud/<youremail>@<yourdomain>.com
lftp steelcloud/<youremail>@<yourdomain>.com@steelcloud.sharefileftp.com:~> ls
<other folders exist here, snipped>drwxr-xr-x 2 owner group 0 Sep 14 08:50 ConfigOS Suite
lftp steelcloud/<youremail>@<yourdomain>.com@steelcloud.sharefileftp.com:/> cd ConfigOS\ Suite/
lftp steelcloud/<youremail>@<yourdomain>.com@steelcloud.sharefileftp.com:/ConfigOS Suite> ls
drwxr-xr-x 2 owner group 0 Aug 31 22:04 ConfigOS Suite - Software and Policies
drwxr-xr-x 2 owner group 0 Aug 16 16:26 ConfigOS Suite Documents
lftp steelcloud/<youremail>@<yourdomain>.com:/ConfigOS Suite> cd ConfigOS\ Suite\ Documents/
lftp steelcloud/<youremail>@<yourdomain>.com:/ConfigOS Suite/ConfigOS Suite Documents>ls
-rw-r--r-- 1 owner group 959 Aug 31 22:27 STCL-BulkLoad.csv
-rw-r--r-- 1 owner group 578130 Aug 31 22:27 ConfigOS Anti-Virus Exclusions.pdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 owner group 2025592 Aug 31 22:27 ConfigOS Foundry Reference Guide v1.2.0.pdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 owner group 6863290 Aug 31 22:27 CommandCenter 2.8.5 User Guide.pdf
lftp steelcloud/<youremail>@<yourdomain>.com@steelcloud.sharefileftp.com:/ConfigOS Suite/ConfigOS Suite Documents> get STCL-BulkLoad.csv
959 bytes transferred in 2 seconds (586 B/s)
lftp steelcloud/<youremail>@<yourdomain>.com@steelcloud.sharefileftp.com:/ConfigOS Suite/ConfigOS Suite Documents>quit
jesse@DESKTOP-N69MCH6:~/ftp_test$ ls