Security Enhancement
General Security Enhancements
Updated SQL libraries to resolve CVE-2022-35737.
Enhanced security between the Foundry (and the containers it produces) and the Command Center.
Changed the policy container file features to use only the new secured .csc2 format from the Foundry.
Running a job (Scan/Remediation/Rollback) will now ask the user to re-enter their password.
Running the CLI now requires the application login information. The user must be an Admin or have the Perform Job role.
CLI can automatically draw details from a saved database endpoint or group.
For further information, review the user documentation or run the following command in your ConfigOS installation directory:
configos_cli.exe –help auto
General Enhancements
Improved encryption.
When upgrading, a backup is made of the previous version of the database.
When upgrading, the previous rollbacks are updated to the new encryption.
User Interface
Performance improvements around a large number of endpoints.
Maximum limit of simultaneous tasks reduced to 100.
Export a snapshot of the Scan and Remediation task grid to a CSV.
SQL Instance Name validation to allow only alphanumeric characters, underscores, and dollar signs. It can only start with a letter and is limited to 16 characters.
Added the “Process Error” column to the exported CSV file, which contains more detailed information on a task failure.
Updated CSV bulk import template to include “Use sudo su” column with the value of true/false to assist with fast loading of endpoints into the client.
General Updates
Linux Updates
Removed nested sudo calls in the UUID tagging operation.
MOTD fix to prevent showing in results value for specific race conditions.
Fix for handling unicode characters thrown by RHEL 8 during merge checklist creation.
Improved performance for Ubuntu systems with SU credentials on scan and remediation.
General Updates
Fix for MOTD display in RHEL 7.
Added preferences for setting Linux SSH Key Exchange and SSH Cipher Algorithms.
Endpoint/Group can use sudo su for elevated admin privileges; the admin password will be ignored.
Windows Updates
Change the Windows remediation indicator to show only groups that were remediated. The indicator was removed from those that could be remediated but were marked as ignored.
Report Updates
Improvements to the JSON schema to support integration with Checklists.
Reports no longer saving encrypted JSON files to the hard drive.